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Guys guys, re-read the bar scene and look at Naru's expression the moment Masato distrust ...

alalalaku January 23, 2019 10:07 pm

Guys guys, re-read the bar scene and look at Naru's expression the moment Masato distrust Asahi. He was surprised that Masato would say things like that, then went all silent and practically glared his way out. Remember:

- Naru agreed with Masato's 'deeds'; a couple like that won't last long
- Masato himself said a couple that breaks without trust, and with a little outside intervention will not last long... so it's fine.
- 'Little outside intervention' is Kousei, and in this scene, Masato revealed that he does not trust Asahi's good nature. Immediately thinks he is just out for revenge
- Naru is probably: 'woah, you just insulted my friend' or 'wtf, you can talk the talk but can't walk the talk? k, bye lol'
- Naru was carefree/nonchalant until Masato distrusts Asahi. From then on, he scary, gosh.

Imo anyway... but if it's true, then this chapter is like Masato facing his true self hehehe PERSONAAAAAA

(will the abusive seme come back i wonder?)

    firefudger January 23, 2019 11:59 pm

    Well you're right, but Masato is different from Kousie at one point. His originally hetero boyfriend/first love cheated on him an married a woman. Masato, as he repeatedly told everyone "cant trust heteros" (or something like that) after that trauma and Naru knows this. Of course that doesn't mean he should distrust Asahi immediately, but I mean it's kind of natural after his previous experience.