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Guys, a chapter is missing. ( Blue cat and I are the ones working in this project)

January 24, 2019 10:43 am

There was supposed to be a "new" chapter one as well.
Though it's pretty similar to the very first we published here, it is an extended and edited version, so yeah some little details were changed.

If you feel like reading it, you can go to our tumblr:

Think of Kiraware's chapter 1 here in mangago as chapter 0,
In reality chapter 1 should be called Vol1. Ch 1 and that's the one I'm telling you to visit in the Tumblr, 'cause I had troubles uploading it here. ( Vol1. Ch.1 is an edited version of chapter 0)

I already contacted mangago staff and see if they can fix that issue , they might give an answer later. (? Anyways, until then, please bear with our Tumblr.
