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Need help... I forgot the title

Trin January 25, 2019 5:46 am

As far as I can remember, the seme is a furniture designer and uke is his assistant. There's a scene in the office where the uke kinda fell asleep(im not sure) in the seme's office because he was working so hard on a project... I believe it was his first major project. I forgot how he ended up in the seme's office.. I remembered that before this scene they fought about something. I think its about how the seme treated the uke as a pet or slave or dog or whatever I forgot.

One more thing I remembered , the uke was so nice his co-workers would push some of their workload to him. The seme kinda got mad because he was being treated like this. I also remembered the uke preparing for some kind of competition, he was chosen as a representative of the company.
