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help looking for yaoi manga!

baobao January 27, 2019 9:24 am

I remember it was like this "couple" and the uke finds out that the seme was playing with him the entire time and was basically using him as a replacement for someone else named yuki (or something like that) and the uke confronts them and ask "whose yuki?". The seme ends up dumping the uke and somewhere along the line goes to a bar where another guy (the owner?) throws a drink at him after saying something like don't come here again and basically telling the seme he was shit. The seme realizes that he messed up everything and is maybe in love with the uke? It left off there last I read.(I think at one point the uke may have bought the seme a scarf as a gift or something?) Please help me find this manga! thank u! :)
