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It's very cliché But I really enjoyed reading it.Honestly at some point I thought though ...

mari-san January 27, 2019 4:03 pm

It's very cliché But I really enjoyed reading it.Honestly at some point I thought though t that Simba doesn't deserve him...cause you know she only thought of him as good and there he was wearing his heart on his sleeve.I felt bad for him.But sinse she risked her life I guess it's ok? AND WTF with the dude that almost killed him?! No punishment?! He's just free doing whatever he wants.And Orenji...I hated him but in the end he's my fav character or maybe the doc sister.Anyhow it was a good read if I'm being honest.i would probably read it in a couple of years when I've forgotten the whole plot.
