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SO is the uke just never going to find out the seme was fooling around with someone else? ...

AwkwardxPrincess January 29, 2019 2:15 am

SO is the uke just never going to find out the seme was fooling around with someone else? wtf

    Ichigo January 29, 2019 2:21 am

    What are you talking about?

    Ume January 29, 2019 3:49 am
    What are you talking about? Ichigo

    The other stuntman (the one that told the uke to not fall in love with the seme). At least that was the feeling i got as well

    Ichigo January 29, 2019 5:28 am
    The other stuntman (the one that told the uke to not fall in love with the seme). At least that was the feeling i got as well Ume

    But he's not. The seme isn't fooling around with anyone but the uke. The other stuntman was warning the uke about falling in love with someone who used to date women only.

    iamb January 29, 2019 7:37 pm
    But he's not. The seme isn't fooling around with anyone but the uke. The other stuntman was warning the uke about falling in love with someone who used to date women only. Ichigo

    Then why did he say " I don't want to continue this with you anymore"?

    Ichigo January 29, 2019 9:34 pm
    Then why did he say " I don't want to continue this with you anymore"? iamb

    The stuntman was not talking to the seme. He was talking to the uke. it was never explained what the stuntman meant but even if the uke was sleeping with him, it wasn't cheating. The seme and the uke were sex friends, not a couple. When you're sex friends eith someone, you don't expect them to be exclusive with you. That's not what sex friends are about. Lol

    iamb January 30, 2019 6:14 am
    The stuntman was not talking to the seme. He was talking to the uke. it was never explained what the stuntman meant but even if the uke was sleeping with him, it wasn't cheating. The seme and the uke were sex f... Ichigo

    I never said he was cheating, I understand what sex friends are. And I think the OT meant the seme was never going to find out the uke was fooling around. And because of that that conversation between the uke and the other stuntman leads us to believe there was something going on between them at the same time the uke is sex friends with the actor. Because the stuntman asks if there is something between the uke and the actor. the uke says 'don't joke' and the other stuntman says ' if it isn't a joke, then I don't want to continue with you anymore'. Which says to me 'if you care about him, let's end this'. Why does it matter?... well, it's in the story.. the uke is a pretty much a man whore, and he's seeing someone while he's seeing the innocent actor who loves him.. than affects some of us readers.. and when the uke ends it with the uke heads straight for the gay bar to pick up someone. So, yea, to me, not so much a love story, more of fluffy story I can't care about since I think the uke will be off banging someone else very shortly. Just my own opinion and tastes for things I enjoy reading.

    iamb January 30, 2019 6:18 am
    I never said he was cheating, I understand what sex friends are. And I think the OT meant the seme was never going to find out the uke was fooling around. And because of that that conversation between the uke a... iamb

    corrections 'when the uke ends it with the actor'.. sigh..lots of typos', haha. but you get my drift. It's like the actor said " I don't sleep with people I don't have feelings for'.. and like in BJ Alex the uke was sex friends with someone he idolized and grew feelings for. There are lots of people who aren't wired that way to have sex without strings, even if they think they can. And people reading and responding to that understand, it doesn't matter if someone says we were just sex friends, someone is getting hurt.

    Ichigo January 30, 2019 3:41 pm
    corrections 'when the uke ends it with the actor'.. sigh..lots of typos', haha. but you get my drift. It's like the actor said " I don't sleep with people I don't have feelings for'.. and like in BJ Alex the u... iamb

    Perhaps it's a difference in opinion, like I said, it doesn't matter if the uke was sleeping around because the uke and the seme weren't in a relationship. The uke going to the bar looking for sex is also not a dick move because he and the seme were just sex friends. The seme catching feelings while being someone's sex friend is his own problem. He knew the conditions. Now, I sympathize with him but my stance is, if you're that easily emotionally attached, then don't be someone's sex friend.

    I had a friend who decided she was gonna be someone's sex friend and then she ran around crying that he wouldn't date her because he was still hung up on his ex and his ex was still hung up on him. And she went around asking for help in how to get rid of the ex. Now, that was definitely a dick move on the guy's part, fucking another woman when he still had strings attached to his ex. But I'll say the same thing I said to her, sex friends literally means no relationship. He has no obligations towards you. Leave.

    Harsh? Yes. Truth? Yes.

    iamb January 30, 2019 5:49 pm
    Perhaps it's a difference in opinion, like I said, it doesn't matter if the uke was sleeping around because the uke and the seme weren't in a relationship. The uke going to the bar looking for sex is also not a... Ichigo

    I agree with all you said, just saying it gives rise to peoples emotions while reading.. It's meant to, just like there is a reason the extra stunt double and his interactions with the uke are in the story. It's only a comment about the original question, 'will the seme find out the uke was also fooling around with someone else'?. I am sure the seme didn't know the uke was sex friends with someone else at the same time, he is naive.. Had he known would have still be sex friends? who knows. It just brings out the feels for the readers like it's intending to do.

    Ichigo January 30, 2019 10:57 pm
    I agree with all you said, just saying it gives rise to peoples emotions while reading.. It's meant to, just like there is a reason the extra stunt double and his interactions with the uke are in the story. It'... iamb

    That'd make a good sequel. The seme finds out that the uke had another sex friend