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Help me out people

BunnyK26 February 7, 2019 3:04 am

So please answer me this.....through this whole time something’s been bothering me... Did Nakara or whatever his name is ever cared for Atsuya? It still bothers me that Kanou is the one he actually cares about! It pisses me off!!!! I mean Atsuya is happy now and what not and he’s a good man, but I didn’t like this.

    Aurinne February 7, 2019 5:44 am

    Yeah, he genuinely cared, but not as strongly or compellingly as for Kanou. He was special enough for Nakura to have him live with him, and, when Atsuya left, to make sure he was provided for with the bar and continuously looked after by Ryuu (although Atsuya didn't realise that at the time).

    However, his way of being in a relationship was completely dysfunctional. Although he cared for Atsuya, it wasn't strongly enough for Atsuya's love to really get through to him and make a difference. On top of that, Atsuya's own issues and personality meant that he couldn't survive and fight for himself in that kind of relationship, instead it started to break him.

    Atsuya himself reflected that Kanou's personality meant that he dealt with a similar situation completely differently to how Atsuya did. That, at the fact that Nakura is clearly more attached to Kanou from the start meant that Kanou has been able to connect more effectively.

    But, yeah, he certainly didn't treat Atsuya well.

    Kasu123 February 7, 2019 1:31 pm
    Yeah, he genuinely cared, but not as strongly or compellingly as for Kanou. He was special enough for Nakura to have him live with him, and, when Atsuya left, to make sure he was provided for with the bar and c... Aurinne

    So much to say about the story. But yes, I agree to u too.

    BunnyK26 February 7, 2019 7:16 pm
    Yeah, he genuinely cared, but not as strongly or compellingly as for Kanou. He was special enough for Nakura to have him live with him, and, when Atsuya left, to make sure he was provided for with the bar and c... Aurinne

    Thank you for answering me :) your explanation makes sense. Hurts, but it makes sense. I guess even in real life sometimes love isn’t enough :(

    Aoixneko February 10, 2019 11:26 am

    I can't remember how many times I read this ... But I think nakura did love atsuya as atsuya did ... But they coulnt live together because of that nakura leave so much mony so atsuya open his bar in opposite atsuya waited for him or exactly to chase him to take his mony bake though he didn't and send ryu to take care of him. Though they couldn't be together I think it was one of the purest love I see in manga and I really did like it how many times I read