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Shahi~~~~ <3 I'm really happy that in the end he found a bit of peace. I know he wasn't...

RetardedGirl November 14, 2013 10:11 pm

Shahi~~~~ <3 I'm really happy that in the end he found a bit of peace. I know he wasn't the protagonist but you have to admit he was the one who suffered the whole story, he deserved to be happy! (and not with that foolish crown prince. He was just ewww.)
Anyway, I'm glad that Nicole and Jed are living their happily after. Although I didn't understood how much time had passed (I got lost when I saw Jed with short hair, then going back to Reiny and that-other-prince-I-dont-remember-his-name's engagement aaaand then following Shahi's life with that boy)
Sorry for my english, I hope you'll understand :3
