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I almost dropped this manga mid-way but decided that if I'm going to critique it, I should...

Nebby November 15, 2013 6:40 am

I almost dropped this manga mid-way but decided that if I'm going to critique it, I should read the whole thing. I'm glad that I didn't drop it. Initially, I felt the uke was a spineless, whiny brat who'd just keep crying about how he wants high-class suits produced by his company rather than economic ones. He's the president of the company for heaven's sake! And the seme seemed unnecessarily icy to him. It was all getting on my nerves. And just when I thought that this is hopeless, the uke gets his crap together. Its good that the misunderstanding was not dragged further when they meet after 10 days. The story sets a good pace by then and the couple is slowly but steadily reaching to the same platform.
This manga certainly rewards those with loyalty, so hang in there.

    Evilcleo May 10, 2014 5:19 pm

    I didn't find the uke whiny or spineless at all. It's great he had a passion for his work. He fought for his ideas, to better the company. That is what makes a capable president.

    Mayumi March 13, 2018 7:31 am
    I didn't find the uke whiny or spineless at all. It's great he had a passion for his work. He fought for his ideas, to better the company. That is what makes a capable president. @Evilcleo

    ^what she said