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So I do gotta say though the MC Natsuo trash talk is pretty top notch. lol So everyone su...

kiichan123 February 10, 2019 8:31 pm

So I do gotta say though the MC Natsuo trash talk is pretty top notch. lol

So everyone such as the brother and Sanae hates Natsuo the MC attitude and
thinks that shes a jerk basically just for being talented and being able to win at everything bc they dont think she puts in the hard work. (like you care WAY to much ppl)
That just sounds like jealousy to me.

Also later they dont really show it but Natsuo's brother feels good about
himself for beating on his sister because he feels inferior to her who is the stronger one? Thats so messed up! Like GROW THE F**K UP.
(unless I totally misunderstood something while reading)

and I pretended that Yuzuko was a boy the whole time because come on,
I've NEVER seen a girl with such bushy eyebrows like hers before and
the face isn't drawn pretty like a girls. She also has like NO chest so.....

and the Natsuo hates Yuzuko I guess because of her straight forwardness that
she doesn't have? Actually Id describe the experience to when you meet
somebody and decide 'I hate this looser face' sort of feeling.
Or perhaps the MC just wanted to make her, her goal because she became interested?

Also yuzuko should have 100% lost to that other girl fighter (freckle girl).
IDK it also made me not like yuzuko.

And I dont know why everyone is saying about how unhappy they are with the
ending. I had no problem with it. However if people wanted manga to be
longer I understand. If the mangaka wanted to pick this back up they totally could
