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What logic?

RaeAir February 15, 2019 9:06 am

You want to manufacture drugs and pour acid on people? well, understandably your sinner #1 since you're probably killing a lot more people/ruining more peoples lives by manufacturing those drugs more than most weapons ever could.
You want to push someone?
No, sorry. You are the second worst sinner in the world. Straight to hell. Definitely the scum of the earth.
God forbid that sinner #3 might have been one of those types of people that accidentally tripped someone in their lifetime.

It was a pretty decent manga all in all. I wasn't a big fan of the ending if you couldn't tell. I don't understand how she could be higher up in the rankings just for being close to Enra and wanting to protect him. Maybe she was going to snap after pushing Fanfan and she was going to loose her mind and go on a killing spree but Enra stopped/saved her? That wouldn't be very true to her character though. The way the manga was written it almost seemed like the higher affinity you have with the person you hurt/kill the higher up in the list you are?
