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It's not all that fair.

Stalker~Chan February 15, 2019 12:07 pm

It's undeniably a fitting ending but he lived a miserable life from birth till death. And he died in vain too . It's true that his awful household shaped his character, I just don't want his mother's words to come true. I don't wanna believe this is the ending. I wanted to see some changes to him. I wanna find out his potentials with Yoon Bum. I wanna know if something, even tiny, changed in his heart and perception of the people in his life. I wanna know if he actually regrets his life decisions and is willing to change. Not that he'll succeed... But I wanna know.

Yoon Bum will most likely kill himself due to the promise he gave to Sangwoo. They'll die together. A miserable end for the both of them.

I really have no idea about the police officer so we'll see...

I just hate seeing the deepest parts of these characters' minds and their desires just to watch them die. Fairly soon, too. At least i wanna know if something changed inside them.

Truly a fitting ending, though..
