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This plot makes no sense... Like, WHAT!? Why the actual fuck would the uke EVER want to be...

LizMars February 16, 2019 8:00 am

This plot makes no sense... Like, WHAT!? Why the actual fuck would the uke EVER want to be involved with a guy who literally uses him like his own personal gloryhole? The uke "loves" him but doesn't fight for him FOR THE LAST TWENTY YEARS!? The seme has been screwing other chicks right in front of him this whole time with no thought about the uke's feelings, and everything is just peachy between them!?...... I can't even. This is a whole new level of fuckery my brain can't process.


I just glanced through the raws, and I still hate the seme with a burning passion. There's no redemption for a slimy cunt flap like him.
