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I have never talked about Ein or Yanek or Diesel ... but all those comments are driving m...

Siri February 18, 2019 3:40 pm

I have never talked about Ein or Yanek or Diesel ... but all those comments are driving me nuts . People stop . I get it ! Cheating is bad . It's very bad . But it happens . It actually happens and sometimes you just do it without thinking or when you can't control you body or mind . This kind of shit happens .And some people regret about it more than anything else . So i think what Diesel did wasn't right . And Yanek is hurt . Everyone would be hurt and angry . Anyway ... it doesn't give you the right to hurt someone or kill the person who cheated .... so i think yanek has done more terrible things than just cheating . He has killed people , trafficed people , drugs ... he is full of shit .. he is a creminal (so is diesel , he has killed , his hands are covered with blood but he did for yanek . He did it because that's his to say thank you for saving me . Even though it is not the right way to show people how greatful you are for their actions . And he is wrong ) but the more important thing is that the most dangerous person here is yanek . And he should pay for this . And he should not hurt diesel just because he is angry . Cause the law doesn't allow this
