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Finally found the desire to comment

Noctyxnis February 20, 2019 12:48 am

This manhwha is probably one of the best BL manhwa I read. The story, the mood, the characters, sex scenes...I thoroughly enjoyed it, and yet, I couldn't find it in me to leave my impressions, a few months back, because I made the mistakes to read the comments before finishing the serie. The level of toxicity was really high.
I don't like submissive ukes, that's why I fell for Jaeha who emanates adultness, conviction and scars.
I really found the amount of hatred towards him in the comments section,
disproportionate, childish and unfair. Slut shaming someone who dated three persons exclusively and faithfully in the past, is really pathetic and narrow minded nowadays.
Plus, I didn't like the way people easily set aside his trauma (humiliation, ostracism, rumors...) because it's more convenient to legitimate Eunho's behavior.
Eunho loved him since forever? So what?
You may think this feelings is pure love, but it looks more like unhealthy obsession.
Because someone loved you for years, you should feel obliged to have mutual feelings?
So what about stalkers? People with different sexual orientation? Bullies? family members?... Are we pledged to them? What kind of nonsense is this.
Jaeha refused Eunho in the beginning because he considered him like a little brother, and I totally respect that. Even if it was abrupt and a coward move, Jaeha's choice to break up doesn't justify Eunho's abusive attitude afterwards.
In the end, my biggest mistake was to read the comments section because I expected to find joyful reviews, people like me who enjoyed the story, not ugliness at its finest.
