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I guess I wasn't the only one that was confused but I thought it was a cute story!! I was...

dorishpp November 20, 2013 6:28 am

I guess I wasn't the only one that was confused but I thought it was a cute story!! I wasn't sure who was in love with each other, Kamo with his brother or with Chikanari or Ashiya and Chikanari!! Then there goes Kamo over seas because of his brotherly love and at the end he comes back and gets with Chikanari!! I'm not sure!! Plus I had a hard time figuring out which boy was Kamo and which one was Chikanari because they looks so much like each other so you couldn't tell which one was talking!! So confusing!! I did like the other story about the boy who lost his memory, it was really cute!! I liked the art work and the love scenes lack there of was ok but could have been better and more of the scenes!! At the end I did like it!! thx D

    Envy fangirl January 22, 2014 4:02 am

    Same with me!
    That's so funny, I just read that one to! Wasn't it called our sweet lies or somthing like that?