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Keep it coming!!

Cappy February 21, 2019 1:48 pm

Guys, I swear~
Half of the fun about translating HUA is to know that some people keep digging things, they keep searching for deep, deep stuff. So exciting!!! You know, it feels just like a sugar rush!!
Thanks for evryone that is bringing up the mistranslations, the cultural stuff, the hot info!
I knew that someone was translating even DJun's posts on Weibo! Shit! Heavy stuff to translate!! Too many cultural references that I know I'm missing, don't know even where to start learning about it! hahahha

    Ainekomoishuu February 21, 2019 1:55 pm

    That's just how far the fans love HUA and Djun is just so adorable. It makes perfect sense. And, worry not because cultural references are really hard to learn unless you lived there, I don't mind