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If any dude told me that i couldnt go to school and dictated that i had to stay at home wi...

marinathrace February 22, 2019 7:14 am

If any dude told me that i couldnt go to school and dictated that i had to stay at home with the baby and do nothing else, i would punch him in the nose. Probably.

    yaoichic February 22, 2019 6:01 pm

    Noooo he didn't say don't go he just said not right now, the baby ain't even one yet so how could he. Not everyone can balance going to school and taking care of a new born baby at the same time especially if they're new to parenting

    marinathrace February 23, 2019 5:07 am
    Noooo he didn't say don't go he just said not right now, the baby ain't even one yet so how could he. Not everyone can balance going to school and taking care of a new born baby at the same time especially if t... yaoichic

    That may be so, but no one should make that decision for you or decree it like law. His words were "I can't let you do that." Besides, in the US most new parents have to go back to work within 3 months of giving birth - some even sooner if they don't have the means.

    Nat939 March 26, 2019 2:13 pm
    That may be so, but no one should make that decision for you or decree it like law. His words were "I can't let you do that." Besides, in the US most new parents have to go back to work within 3 months of givi... marinathrace

    Yup, yup, you're totally right, and not only that, the way he was saying it and the fact that he wanted to distract him by offering a nice little vacation sounds more like a manipulation from a controller lover than a concerned father. Just the way he ended up saying yes to the uke was sketchy at best, he didn't see the reasoning behind it or because he wanted his partner to accomplish something he wanted and that would prepare him better for society, he did it because uke-kun got really determine and not willing to accept any more bs, that "we always do what you want" revealed a lot more than what was probably intended.