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RANT: I <3 Supporting/secondary role male characters!

HeLLaVaPeRSoN February 22, 2019 3:54 pm

Now, i know some of yall hatin' on our boii Shimura for still trying to push his way on Koharu... But, if yall just think about it irl, we at some point came to a point where we liked someone who's already got eyes for somebody else. But getting rejected doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop that feelings imo. Especially, when it's serious. You can't just suddenly forget you like someone just because you got rejected or just because that someone already loves another.
There are some ppl out there who prefers to just be close to the ones they like even tho the chances of their feelings getting reciprocated is bleak. There are some ppl out there that just prefers to keep the "just-a-friend" role and some who tend to act out just to be able to be closer to the one they like.
And yall must at least once compared yourself/ have thought you could do better than the other party.
It's not wrong to have feelings for someone! Don't go hatin' on secondary characters/supporting characters! They also need love!( ̄へ ̄)
