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Unrequited Love - I have a crush on my teacher. I know it's wrong, but how to get these feelings away?

KAM February 23, 2019 11:36 pm

As you can read by the title... I have a crush on my teacher.

I'm a grown up adult, we're only 3 years apart of age- The only issue here is... He's my teacher.When I first got in adult school, we spoke and that was it. The weeks passed by and a feeling started to grow within me--- I could feel my heart either pinching or pounding, my eyes would avoid his and I started feeling as if my cheeks would burn whenever he'd smiles- but then, I started feeling sad. That's right, sad. I'm well aware that this is a wrong feeling since he's a teacher and I'm a student. I'm well aware that when he leaves school he has his own life and that when I'll be leaving, we won't ever see each other again. But I think what makes me sadder is the fact that I'm just '' another student '' to his eyes and that's normal, but it is unfortunate. We're both grown up adults, I think we get along well (I wouldn't say as friends, because he's a superior and I shall respect it), but unfortunate that we can't communicate outside of school as adults human being and not as '' teacher/student. ''

Last week was a celebration for the good hardworking students and each teacher had to choose only 1 student to congrats for their hard-work and explain why they chose that student. He chose me. He said that I was working like a professional and that I'm a good source of motivation. It made me happy, really happy that he recognized the hard-work I put into my studies. Walking back home, I couldn't stop smiling, humming, well, I was really happy. But the day after, I felt more sad than ever, because, I just knew that was it. No meaning behind anything, just it.

So yeah, I have a crush on my teacher. What should I do.

    【fukiburi∞hime】 February 24, 2019 12:25 am

    your writing is so good, you should write a book
    sorry, i don't know a single thing about love

    idk what to call myself February 24, 2019 12:27 am

    Do not confess. As bad as this sounds, the relationship between you two is a professional one and unlike in fiction, it will not work. If you do confess you will have to see him every lesson you have with him, it is going to be awkward and your relationship will not be the same, he will just distance himself in the end, in his eyes it's a professional relationship. I know it's harsh but it's better not to sugar coat things.
    It will not work, it's better to distract yourself until the feelings go away. Pick up a hobby, look for other people, anything distracting. Student teacher relationships aren't wrong if they're between adults however I'm sure that confessing is too risky.

    InsomniacEnigma February 24, 2019 1:33 am

    Since u are already given the "reveal" or "hide" option, I'll state my opinions on the two

    - Both options has risks and the chances...aren't good. It mostly depends on urself, like what u value more.

    Would u go on for a big bet and go for it; it's a big risk, but will the rewards be worth the risk? Even if u make him say sure, this is only a starting line, it can go well or not; like ever other relationship. This is like a 'test of luck' sort of thing; it can go really well or really wrong

    Or would u go for the small bet and endure it; it's a safer route and it can be considered a peaceful option, but it may leave a bad after-taste cuz u didn't let it off ur chest. This is a more 'inner-battle with urself' sort of thing; it totally depends on how u can handle it

    1) Reveal/ Confess:
    - You are suggested to confess. It's an option, but like they said, be aware that it may become awkward.

    A) The safest timing would be a few days before or the last day u get to see each other (to avoid the awkwardness). It will let things out of ur system and u wouldn't ponder over it too much by urself

    B) It is also another option to try and get to know the fella better before confessing; personally I mean. It's a difficult hurdle, but if u get acquainted personally (like outside of school topics; even like the casual talk between friends?), that may get u out of the 'student-zone', thus giving u a higher chance of success when u do confess.

    2) Hide/ Don't confess:
    - You were suggested to simply hide it. It makes sense since ur success rate sounds low to begin with; they are speaking in a more realistic standpoint imo, instead of the ideal talk of the previous option.

    A) Time might do it's thing and let ur feelings fade if u distract urself like they said. You could distract urself with a hobby or work, just keep ur brain occupied, but be wary of ur health. Talk to other people and get involved with them, it can be a good distraction to let u forget/ let ur feelings fade.

    B) There is also a chance that ur feelings would accumulate and u would end up suffering instead. However, that is normal in most crushes/romantic relationships. That's part of the struggle, and u will most likely move on after feeling hurt.

    KAM February 25, 2019 11:11 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Dragneel. D Lisa


    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I live in Canada, in my region it is forbidden to even have a friendship relation with a superior at school or outside of school.

    I've meet him today in private, I decided not to tell him how I'm feeling. We spoke about how I see my life and my future plans. I also told him that I was honored to be his favorite and I appreciated the speech he made about me and how I'm a positive source-- but that I couldn't accept it. He told me directly those words: '' I have to take care of 88 students, a part of me already decided that it had to be you, but I still wanted to make sure I choose wisely, I reduced the list and in the end, I just knew it had to be you. So you're my choice and nothing will make me say differently. ''
    When he told me those words, I felt my heart bumping in my chest- Like, wow.
    I really am madly attracted to him, my teacher. He picks my eyes, well, my heart too, whenever he's around. I really wish he'd feel the same, but I guess it is impossible. He probably already have a girlfriend or isn't interested in dating a student.

    I don't want to ruin his career, he loves what he does and I'm just another student who will leave a day. So I decide to keep my feelings a secret and bear the pain until it passes away. Hopefully soon.

    KAM February 25, 2019 11:11 pm
    Do not confess. As bad as this sounds, the relationship between you two is a professional one and unlike in fiction, it will not work. If you do confess you will have to see him every lesson you have with him, ... idk what to call myself


    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I live in Canada, in my region it is forbidden to even have a friendship relation with a superior at school or outside of school.

    I've meet him today in private, I decided not to tell him how I'm feeling. We spoke about how I see my life and my future plans. I also told him that I was honored to be his favorite and I appreciated the speech he made about me and how I'm a positive source-- but that I couldn't accept it. He told me directly those words: '' I have to take care of 88 students, a part of me already decided that it had to be you, but I still wanted to make sure I choose wisely, I reduced the list and in the end, I just knew it had to be you. So you're my choice and nothing will make me say differently. ''
    When he told me those words, I felt my heart bumping in my chest- Like, wow.
    I really am madly attracted to him, my teacher. He picks my eyes, well, my heart too, whenever he's around. I really wish he'd feel the same, but I guess it is impossible. He probably already have a girlfriend or isn't interested in dating a student.

    I don't want to ruin his career, he loves what he does and I'm just another student who will leave a day. So I decide to keep my feelings a secret and bear the pain until it passes away. Hopefully soon.

    KAM February 25, 2019 11:11 pm
    Since u are already given the "reveal" or "hide" option, I'll state my opinions on the twoTLDR;- Both options has risks and the chances...aren't good. It mostly depends on urself, like what u value more. Would ... InsomniacEnigma


    Thank you for taking the time to respond. I live in Canada, in my region it is forbidden to even have a friendship relation with a superior at school or outside of school.

    I've meet him today in private, I decided not to tell him how I'm feeling. We spoke about how I see my life and my future plans. I also told him that I was honored to be his favorite and I appreciated the speech he made about me and how I'm a positive source-- but that I couldn't accept it. He told me directly those words: '' I have to take care of 88 students, a part of me already decided that it had to be you, but I still wanted to make sure I choose wisely, I reduced the list and in the end, I just knew it had to be you. So you're my choice and nothing will make me say differently. ''
    When he told me those words, I felt my heart bumping in my chest- Like, wow.
    I really am madly attracted to him, my teacher. He picks my eyes, well, my heart too, whenever he's around. I really wish he'd feel the same, but I guess it is impossible. He probably already have a girlfriend or isn't interested in dating a student.

    I don't want to ruin his career, he loves what he does and I'm just another student who will leave a day. So I decide to keep my feelings a secret and bear the pain until it passes away. Hopefully soon.

    KAM February 25, 2019 11:12 pm
    your writing is so good, you should write a booksorry, i don't know a single thing about love 【fukiburi∞hime】

    Haha, I know nothing about love either. It's the first time in 21 years I'm feeling this way. Toward a teacher too! It's shocking.

    Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliment. :)