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Well... this was interesting but it also frustrated me sometimes

Kisaki February 24, 2019 1:51 pm

I was about to start hating Yurim and say June was too good for her when she went crazy because she was turning dark and said that she depended too much on him. I mean you're obviously gonna get angry and will want to hurt the people who hurt the person you love most in the world. Duh. But that's what self restrain and use of reason is for. We don't go around acting on every single thought and emotion. That's why we aren't all in jail. Like gosh, she said she judged people for their dark aura but was starting to learn not to and even after June talked to her about how people can't control how they feel sometimes and all of that, she went crazy and started saying that there was a monster looking at her and almost went on a rampage. Stupid girl. Even after Namyon told her that he once wished someone was dead and felt ashamed of himself of thinking that way. He owned his actions and took responsibility for them and his feelings too. But she just went on a rampage and started saying there was a monster looking at her? That's you! Just own it and accept it. But when she went and took her time to grow on her own and make something out of her ability I let it go. At least she learned, so I'm ok with her at the end.
On the other hand, that crazy bitch Soyoung should've been thrown in jail. Why not press charges? She was a freaking pshyco.
And why did June just have Namyon and Yurim leave him alone with Sanho? just call the freaking police, but nooo he had to get stabbed in the leg by that psycho ugh... Well, in the end I hope Sanho learns to stop hurting and dragging innocent people down and starts facing his own problems the way he should
