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There is nothing worse that people who go around the comment section trying to dictate wha...

Crying Babies. February 24, 2019 4:09 pm

There is nothing worse that people who go around the comment section trying to dictate what can be said or not.
If people are criticizing something you like, you can put a counter argument, you can say you disagree, you can ignore it. However, if your attitude is to say some kind of 'shut up, I like this and your opinion is spoiling the fun for me because I can't handle people disliking what I like' then just grow up. And tell people to stop reading is not your place, even more if you can't even stop reading comment sections.
I haven't seen one person ever saying to other: .... "I don't like this story and it bothers me that you do. Can you please stop fangirling or reading it so I can feel validated in my opinion? Stop reading this because your fangirling is bothering me"....
Instead, we have tons of people who attack people posts who dare to criticize whatever story they think is marvelous with a "I like this story and I don't like to see people hating on it. Please shut up and stop reading for my sake, so I can feel my taste is validated."
Everybody can express their opinion and no, there is no "BUT" on this rule. You don't get to say the amount of words they use or the analysis or whatever else. If they want to criticize the author, they can. If they want to trash the story, they can. It's the whole point of having a right of an opinion.
You just get to learn that people have a right to say what they wish and you have to respect that.

    Bumblebeequeen February 24, 2019 4:38 pm

    PERIODT. I’m sorry but if someone can’t understand that people have different tastes and opinions then they’re either too ignorant or young. The dislike button is there for a reason, just dislike it and move on sis not that hard.

    Anonymous February 24, 2019 5:23 pm

    G a s t h e f a g s

    Anonymous February 24, 2019 5:34 pm

    LOL are you talking about WitH comment section? You're not allowed to have an opinion there. If not, please point me in the right direction. (=・ω・=) I love seeing people with different opinions and views on life. If we were all thinking and feeling the same, what would we talk about? But telling someone they're wrong without valid argument and saying they should stop reading just shows they are overemotional and immature.

    Anonymous February 24, 2019 5:35 pm

    LOL are you talking about WitH comment section? You're not allowed to have an opinion there. If not, please point me in the right direction. (=・ω・=) I love seeing people with different opinions and views on life. If we were all thinking and feeling the same, what would we talk about? But telling someone they're wrong without valid argument and saying they should stop reading just shows they are overemotional and immature.

    JustAYaoiFangirl February 24, 2019 7:05 pm

    I ain't gonna joke around but the thing is that they can have an opinion on the others person opinion (and so on). As long as it's not trying to somehow (non-verbally) prevent the person from speaking it's ok. In a way, this argument can be turned both ways and really boils down to "anyone can say whatever they want to, you don't get to dictate what they can't or can say."

    Sure it's not the nice thing to do (basically being a dick) but in the end, they can say it. I do agree that they suck (a LOT.)