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Syra Blue February 26, 2019 5:23 am

First thing's first. These characters can be hella dense.
Also, I love the old school art.
I don't see how Yuri's "ugly and fat" as they call it, and I don't appreciate the constant attention to appearance.
I wish Yuri would love herself, and just became the best her she could be.
I ship both Sumire and Aoi with Yuri. Personally, I'd rather have seen her with Aoi though.
Lots of drama. I personally don't hate the crying, since it was pretty and it wasn't annoying in cause. I'd rather crying be frequent than have it be caused by something really miniscule.
Don't like how Sumire was like "I hate ugly people" then tell her "Am I that kind of man" but whatever.
A lot of contradiction, but I could bear with it.
The family relations honestly had my head spinning.
Overall, it was so-so.
