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please stop rating ongoing stories with 5 stars. most of them end up being shitty. and if ...

trash February 26, 2019 7:36 am

please stop rating ongoing stories with 5 stars. most of them end up being shitty. and if you think a story is shitty despite the high stars, fucking vote down to help others avoid any further waste of time. some of us might have the the time to read shitty stories but some just don't have time for that. think about those people who actually have a life.

interesting /= good

some interesting concepts end up with pretty unsatisfactory or predictable endings because it's all the same shitty recycled plot sprinkled with a new concept. some stories pull this off but some just really piss you off. this is only my two cents. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

    Langchimaple February 26, 2019 7:54 am

    Yup, and some people rate some really good mangas very low only based on the first few chapters(they usually don't understand anything from just the 1st chapter,well, they should read further to decide right?). And even if the first few chapters are really great and they end up rating those really high then they should also remember to change the ratings later when the plot starts getting REALLY shitty.
    And many bl stories with wonderful plots had such horrible endings(their publishing websites are to blame too but that's another thing)

    민지 February 26, 2019 8:43 am

    I don't have a life, so I can't relate to having my time wasted reading shitty stories, but I sort of understand. People's taste in what they read is subjective ig.

    Eveonor February 26, 2019 9:15 am

    Exactlyyyyy. I rated the most of the mangas I read 3 stars because they are just so average. I don't understand how they still can be like 8,6 and so on.

    Stupide-Renard February 26, 2019 10:19 am

    Maybe they gave 5stars 'cause they like the story. Everyone as their own taste after all.
    Don't get interested by a story just because they are high ranked (don' t know if that makes sens) but on personal judgement, like the cover, summary and all. What makes you waste your time is that you read a story because others ranked it well. There's also great story which are underrated.

    trash March 3, 2019 10:14 am
    Maybe they gave 5stars 'cause they like the story. Everyone as their own taste after all.Don't get interested by a story just because they are high ranked (don' t know if that makes sens) but on personal judgem... Stupide-Renard

    well i don't base on ratings i just hate seeing high ratings on shitty stories that's why i made this and thought it would help out those who cared about ratings.

    trash March 3, 2019 10:16 am
    well i don't base on ratings i just hate seeing high ratings on shitty stories that's why i made this and thought it would help out those who cared about ratings. trash

    and i can say that most people didn't like how a story ended in the comments so im just basing on that

    trash March 3, 2019 10:17 am
    Yup, and some people rate some really good mangas very low only based on the first few chapters(they usually don't understand anything from just the 1st chapter,well, they should read further to decide right?).... Langchimaple

    this exactly.