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Searching for name

Nao Ren February 28, 2019 6:54 pm


I'm looking for the name of a yaoi manga ... gore.
Disturbing stuff... Demons and s*#^. Will need to call exorcist if you read it.
I read a manga a while ago, it was on japanese.
Ok so here is what it is about:
It's about am human who summoned a demon and demon told him he will fulfill his wish. The guy actually wanted to eat demons guts... and that continued for a while like a month or two... And when he was satisfied the demon ripped off his head. Instead of dying he became kind of half demon and the other demon attached his head to the dogs body... Later he found him a suitable body so he ripped of his head again. And so on. I am searching for the name of this manga. Thanks in advance
