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To anyone confused with HUA’s timeline

yume February 28, 2019 8:34 pm

DJun said on Weibo the special takes place two years into the future, which is the present for us. Remember, in HUA what we’re seeing is the past, of how YuYang and LiHuan met and fell in love. The story is set in 2016, more specifically it’s the end of November right now (according to past events), so considering those two years DJun mentioned, they started dating in 2017. A fan sent that to DJun, which DJun approved.

So we’re ALMOST THERE. Slowly but surely lol.

    crack dad February 28, 2019 9:24 pm

    I freaking love the slow development. It's so realistic and Djun had planned it all out so meticulously. thanks for the information

    yume March 1, 2019 5:14 am

    Definitely. I love how he isn’t rushing the story, like it may seem to us that a lot of time has passed, when in reality it’s been a few months.

    Just a small correction in my original post: what DJun actually said was that in the special they’ve been together for two years.