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Why the heck would you use baby oil on that part? Should just bought lube you have money c...

kjdxiulaces March 2, 2019 1:25 pm

Why the heck would you use baby oil on that part? Should just bought lube you have money come on!

    AdoreX March 8, 2019 5:08 pm

    Many ppl use baby oil whats wrong with that

    zedisdead March 9, 2019 2:08 am

    I think people are losing the hability to appreciate mangas properly. The baby oil is not the point. That was sensei's choice, go ask her. Some authors even use olive oil. It's a work of fiction, all assholes are okay until said otherwise. Just enjoy this story from an awesome sensei and don't ruin it because of little things like BABY OIL. For fuck's sake.

    zedisdead March 9, 2019 5:18 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! ❀*noticemeSenpAI.261°˖✧

    Appreciating something is when you say good things about it. And saying everyone has their own opinion is just a lame excuse to say stupid things. The smallest things like lube doesn't prove shit about the interest of a reader because it's not the main point. The main point is the relationship of the characters and not what they choose to use to fuck. If you don't have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself, don't come and bitch about on the comments section or leave the manga if it's not to your liking. It's even healthier. This is a good mangaka and she doesn't deserve to be have her story be critize by stupid things like baby oil. Nowadays people just focus on the bad things. It's really annoying for the readers that REALLY appreciate (as in recognizing how good the manga is) to read those childish comments.

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! March 9, 2019 9:17 am
    Appreciating something is when you say good things about it. And saying everyone has their own opinion is just a lame excuse to say stupid things. The smallest things like lube doesn't prove shit about the inte... zedisdead

    No one ever questioned the talent or ability of the mangaka. People are allowed to think and say what they want, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You might want to learn that quickly, or life is going to be very hard for you. Perhaps you should take your own advice; if you don't like the comment, move on.
    Also, it's rather funny that you call someone else's comment(s) childish. In doing so, and given your conduct otherwise, you yourself appear quite childish.
    Also, baby oil can actually be harmful when used as sexual lubricant, so the original commenter has a valid point. You, on the other hand, are just being an asshole. Over fucking baby oil.

    AdoreX March 9, 2019 11:16 am
    I think people are losing the hability to appreciate mangas properly. The baby oil is not the point. That was sensei's choice, go ask her. Some authors even use olive oil. It's a work of fiction, all assholes a... zedisdead just...a comment....about what they used for lubrication...
    Like how is this related in any way to appreciating a manga or not? Or even worse, ruining the story??? If anything it shows that we paid attention to details???
    Why are you so angry smh

    And besides that, you can criticize smt you love. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

    kjdxiulaces March 9, 2019 1:30 pm
    Appreciating something is when you say good things about it. And saying everyone has their own opinion is just a lame excuse to say stupid things. The smallest things like lube doesn't prove shit about the inte... zedisdead

    Excuse me? I'm just stating my opinions. I didn't say the manga is not good. All in all I like it. You're the childish one for being angry and triggered over someone else's opinion like aren't I free to comment what I want? If I said some shitty things about the mangaka I might understand why you're angry but I didn't. Clearly my comment is for the character not for you or anyone else. You're a really rude person. I have the right to choose what I want to read and what I want to say so shut your dumb self because you sound stupid to me.

    hUEHUEHUEHUEHUE March 10, 2019 8:09 am
    I think people are losing the hability to appreciate mangas properly. The baby oil is not the point. That was sensei's choice, go ask her. Some authors even use olive oil. It's a work of fiction, all assholes a... zedisdead

    never in my life did I think I'd see someone get butthurt over baby oil

    yaoianimes March 11, 2019 3:36 am

    baby oil is absolutely normal in fact the safest since it’s used on baby skin too so it’s not surprising at all

    yaoianimes March 11, 2019 3:36 am
    baby oil is absolutely normal in fact the safest since it’s used on baby skin too so it’s not surprising at all yaoianimes

    I mean unless u use condoms lol cause they degrade those

    Kitty-nyah *0* March 24, 2019 1:26 am
    never in my life did I think I'd see someone get butthurt over baby oil hUEHUEHUEHUEHUE


    Sandikay0 March 24, 2019 7:45 am
    I mean unless u use condoms lol cause they degrade those yaoianimes

    Well it's not like a pregnancy can happen...unless it's omegaverse lol ;)

    chey March 31, 2019 2:50 am
    baby oil is absolutely normal in fact the safest since it’s used on baby skin too so it’s not surprising at all yaoianimes

    sorry to be that person but it's not safe. and because it's OIL, it won't wash off at one time so if you're using condoms, even if you don't use it as lube again, it can still degrade the condoms. also because it remains inside even after bathing/showering, it creates an environment for bacteria to thrive, thus giving the bottom a greater risk of anal or vaginal infection. it can also degrade silicon, so it's no good for toys either. also it tastes awful and can absorb the fat soluble vitamins in your body (not good). topical application of a product is totally different from it getting INSIDE you.

    chey March 31, 2019 2:51 am
    sorry to be that person but it's not safe. and because it's OIL, it won't wash off at one time so if you're using condoms, even if you don't use it as lube again, it can still degrade the condoms. also because ... chey

    also i can't believe ppl are getting MAD over OP saying their opinion omg

    kjdxiulaces March 31, 2019 1:42 pm
    sorry to be that person but it's not safe. and because it's OIL, it won't wash off at one time so if you're using condoms, even if you don't use it as lube again, it can still degrade the condoms. also because ... chey

    Thank you for the explanation! I really appreciate it. I think baby oil is for external use only that's why I commented that they should have both lube. They say some author use olive oil but olive oil is considered as food like it's different from baby oil on so many levels. I apologize if I offend anyone but for me it's better to be safe rather if you have money why not buy the right thing to use.

    Rei-Rei-Chan!!! April 1, 2019 6:47 am
    Thank you for the explanation! I really appreciate it. I think baby oil is for external use only that's why I commented that they should have both lube. They say some author use olive oil but olive oil is consi... kjdxiulaces

    I agree. You were just stating your opinion in the first place. The fact that everyone came to your defense is a big reason why I love this site so much. We have good people here. ♡