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I really like Kiyoshirou and his paring with Koharu is freakin sweet

estar March 10, 2019 4:12 pm

and until the end of this last chapter was really rooting for them to succeed as a couple, but enough already - get he is the stoic guy all macho (ironic as he so isn't visibly a macho dude - more a geek lol but attitude wise - totally a macho man) but his treatment of Koharu is unacceptable, get that she a clueless air-head with a huge heart but taking advantage of that is annoying. and feel like he is taking her for granted kinda got what Shimura was saying to her in this last chapter, pity she didnt get the message.
starting to think she would be better off with Shimura...

    ChangelingLady April 1, 2019 11:25 am

    Agreed! It's not that wanting to study abroad is wrong or anything like that, but Mineta sure isn't cherishing Koharu properly and that pisses me off. Shimura all the way!

    estar April 1, 2019 1:04 pm
    Agreed! It's not that wanting to study abroad is wrong or anything like that, but Mineta sure isn't cherishing Koharu properly and that pisses me off. Shimura all the way! ChangelingLady

    agree (๑•ㅂ•)و✧