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Wholesome! <3

Blub March 14, 2019 1:23 am

I cant deal with this! this is all too cute! One of the few omegaverse that isnt too extreme, it still shows the problems that omegaverse gender have and how society views them. However it tackles it in a way that does not include rape or evil schemings (a little with the dad but its not too bad and extreme its alright). The kids are angels! Way too cute <3 too pure for this world! (SPOILER NOT REALLY SPOILER! so maybe it is, so beware if you want to continue to read))Looking forward to seeing how the 2 twins and the new neighbour father turns out, will have to tackle his past and even tho he says he isnt biased there is a clear fear for alphas so wonder how that will turn out :D and also want to keep reading how the neighbours kid and the dads best friend will continue! <3 they would be so cute together as well <3
