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Just that good

Ziera March 19, 2019 12:09 pm

A manga so good you know it's name to this moment, you don't need to go figure out what it was called. So good that when thinking of the word 'manga'(or webtoon) its images or plot come to mind. So good it left an impression on you that you kept thinking about for days.
(Or so bad it fits one of the above requirements.)
To you, a master of manga, or you, who just read your very first chapter yesterday and binged until now. What are your best reads?

P.S. one of the main reasons I want one of the above requirements is bc I don't like looking through lists much, so if you do give me a list, please give a short list.

    Ziera March 19, 2019 12:10 pm

    Any kind is fine. No requirements as to what genre or such.

    peace_yow March 19, 2019 12:43 pm

    They may not be masterpieces, but they're precious to me:
    Angel Densetsu (hilarious story about a scary looking but very nice and polite high schooler)
    Beast Master (relatively short romance of a high school girl and transfer student who grew up in the wilderness)
    Kanata Kara (high school girl transported to another world where adventure and romance awaits her)
    the 2nd and 3rd are precious to me because they both have an aspect of mutual protection and acceptance of less human traits (the male leads in both are kinda... not normal and feared/shunned by others), and psychological healing I guess :)

    I always have trouble remembering Japanese names ^^'
    Well, and on the flipside... there's this one manga that I don't remember the name of but that left quite an impression... I searched just now, it's
    Under Grand Hotel (prison story, so much rape, abuse, etc and the ending wasn't even that good... at least in my opinion)
    among all the stories I've read/watched, this is one of the few where I.... feel questionable whether the time spent reading it was worth it xD I'm just personally not a huge fan of pain and suffering and that manga really wasn't a pleasant walk in the park.

    What are your most memorable ones? :D

    Ziera March 19, 2019 1:13 pm
    They may not be masterpieces, but they're precious to me:Angel Densetsu (hilarious story about a scary looking but very nice and polite high schooler)Beast Master (relatively short romance of a high school girl... peace_yow

    King's Maker (The characters willingness to sacrifice everything in belief that the other character will take that robe/cape(forget what they called it exactly) of his shoulders. I also found it much different from the usual 'good vs evil' plots)
    To you, The immortal/To your eternity (It's good. The sadness of death and losing friends and the strive of trying to protect people(first chapter always makes me really wanna cry))

    Then my favorites which aren't too good in the scheme of all the manga there is but i still loved:
    No.6 (one of the first manga's AND anime I ever watched/read. Idk, I just liked how it's flow of events and such)
    Kashikomarimashita, Destiny (probably spelled that wrong, but anyway, it's just as you'd expect in omega-verse and manga but I still thoroughly enjoyed the story and characters)
    Owari No seraph/ Seraph of the End ( I don't actually really like this one too much but I always remember it)

    ayaki March 19, 2019 1:27 pm

    immediate ones
    Life senjou no bokura (so sad and sweet at the same time)

    Lookism (webtoon - still ongoing, binge all of it's 150 chapters in a day because I was hooked and I've been following it since) You can read this on for free!

    Kashikomarisama (my first omegaverse and it's SO good!)

    Hope this helps! (⌒▽⌒)

    mangopurin March 19, 2019 2:07 pm
    KANA March 19, 2019 3:23 pm

    A Girl By The Sea
    Reimei No Arcana
    Haru no Houtai Shoujo
    Pandora Hearts

    These are some of my favs

    CGPT March 19, 2019 3:24 pm

    One Piece

    nezu March 19, 2019 4:51 pm

    Smells Like Green Spirit

    nezu March 19, 2019 4:51 pm

    Color Recipe