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G€MIΠI March 20, 2019 5:01 pm


The bastard guy (you know who i'm talking about) will know that mc is mc so he will do some abuse again to her because her baby (and li lei) life is on the line and li lei will also have amnesia eventually li lei will remember and know that baby is his (not the bastard) she will end up with li lei tho so that's a HE.

Been a long time since i read it so some holes here and there.

    CrystalAris March 20, 2019 5:10 pm


    Arcana March 20, 2019 8:43 pm

    There's a baby?

    LuluKillua March 24, 2019 3:27 am

    Omg really? A manhwa where the gitl doesn't end up with the bastard just bc he's hot but instead with the nice guy ? SHOOK

    demon13o March 31, 2019 7:05 am

    Lol like so didn't see that coming xDD

    Thanks for the spoiler though, it helps me prepare for my rage fits when the chapters get there.

    Artemis April 3, 2019 11:35 am

    ok so what your saying is that she becomes pregnant with Li lei's child and pei finds out about it and abuses her and tries to hurt Li lei (like kill him or something) but it ends up that he gets amnesia and forgets about her and the baby? and thinks it's pei's child because pei probably threatened the mc about Li lei saying he might do something to hurt him even more so she lied and said it was pei's child but later on he remembers everything and they get together at the end...... WOW that is a lot to take in lol but i def want to see their baby and the relationship between Li lei and Xiao Ling