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what I want

Nikki March 24, 2019 7:20 am

i know this is late but i reread the ending of the manga again recently and i want another anime season lol. i need to see the fight between hakuryuu and alibaba in actionnnn.

i also want an epilogue or something where it's like a few years later and a scene opens like where it just feels like something is gonnna happen and aladdin and jafar and the other magi are like "oh hey something's up" and they all gather to one place and BAM! Sinbad's back but naked once again like when he first appeared lol. i also wanna see sharrkan and yamraiha finally be together and i wanna see who aladdin ends up with and what happens with the tiny chibi version of Ren Gyokuen.

but yeah i need another anime season. a conclusion season like they've done for other animes even after years of hiatus. i NEED IT

    JJ12 December 13, 2019 1:51 am

    Can you spoil me I read up till like 216 but I got so tired of reading it at that point, the anime was good, can you like tell me what happened in the end like did the marg and the blonde guy get together? What happened over all

    Nikki December 15, 2019 8:20 am
    Can you spoil me I read up till like 216 but I got so tired of reading it at that point, the anime was good, can you like tell me what happened in the end like did the marg and the blonde guy get together? What... JJ12

    so it gets like really rushed and complicated and i'm not exactly sure had to explain it all but basically Sinbad could communicate with David (yanno Solomon's dad) and was building up a whole thing behind the scenes. Hakuryuu did a thing with his Djinn and kind of killed Alibaba lol. during the two years that Alibaba was "dead" the Kou empire basically died down and all the other empires began thriving under Sinbad's rule kind of. He changed the course of things where there was more technological advancement for everyone else and kind of (most definitely, and purposefully) put the remaining Kou Empire in a tough spot under kyougoku's rule (she became ruler after kouen was banished and hakuryuu abdicated) also during the two years, Aladdin, morgiana, and hakuryuu became close again and tried to figure out what was wrong in the world. long story short, Alibaba came back with Judar in tow and Aladin and the gang tried to save the world again but Sinbad became a bad guy and made it complicated. them David revided and made things more complicated. then Ugo also showed up and made things more complicated because he got super lonely without aladdin. but everything came out alright and Sinbad is no longer there, the continents are all super wacked up geometrically, everyone lives peacefully together along with those from the Dark Continent and Morgiana and Alibaba FINALLY get married. The whole plot towards the ending got really complicated and I can't remember what actually happened but i think the author had like a contracted amount of chapters they could publish and so it seemed kind of rushed towards the end when everyhting was trying to get resolved.

    JJ12 December 15, 2019 12:51 pm
    so it gets like really rushed and complicated and i'm not exactly sure had to explain it all but basically Sinbad could communicate with David (yanno Solomon's dad) and was building up a whole thing behind the ... Nikki

    Yea that seems confusing i guess I’ll have to read it to get some of it but I’m happy marg and alibaba got together

    Nikki December 17, 2019 8:30 am
    Yea that seems confusing i guess I’ll have to read it to get some of it but I’m happy marg and alibaba got together JJ12

    yeah it's a long and confusing thing. everything up until david and Ugo showing up was fine plot wise, like it was really good. and then they showed up and everything felt rushed and complicated. but yeah take time reading it slowly lol, i might go back and reread it again some time