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Just Saying

==[::^o.o^] March 30, 2019 4:11 am

Don't understand people blaming Nami for "putting herself in that situation". I hope those that think like that are either young and naive, or only that because this is fiction.

True, that she knew Don was in love with Haero, but when you stay in a relationship with someone for as long as 10 years some sort of trust and expectations will be in that relationship. Don should've been responsible and break off their relationship before he started cheating. Even if our main characters are soulmates or whatever, Don is being a cheater and Nami deserves better. Logically speaking, Don should've just broken up with her a long time ago instead of keeping this relationship for so many years. When it gets dragged on for 10 years, at that point it means that he's just taking advantage of her feelings so that he can have some sense of comfort. Just break her heart and let her move on to someone better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anonymous March 30, 2019 5:03 am

    Totally agree, I would have understood if Nami and Don were still fresh in their relationship but no they been together for 10 years.....thats long enough to gain trust and even love each other but if you can not love someone else in those years then seriously Don should have come clean with Nami long ago. He is wasting his and Nami's time and I hate this cheating. Don is acting like he doesn't want Haero and he is sleeping with him for the sake of the company but thats just an excuse. Nami is the one that is gonna suffer the most now but lets wait and see.