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I need some opinions here!

FUDANSHI-KUN March 30, 2019 5:54 pm

Guys, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this,
Let me explain the situation im in,

I have nothing anime related in my house even though I really love anime, I've been asking my mom to buy me something from crunchyroll for over 2 years now, and she would always say "ill think about it"
This time (two weeks ago) I asked her for a Midorya plushy for 15 dollars, she said its a bit too much for just a plushy, then say the same thing she always say, ill think about it.
So i thought, 'yeah she wont buy it.'
And decided ill save up to buy it myself,
And since my bestfriend didnt have anything anime related like me, I decided to buy her a bananya cat,
So i saved up 28.98 dollars, the exact amount
Im 16 so i dont have a credit card, so I planned to give mom the money and she would buy it for me,
But she got upset saying "if you can save up to buy a stupid plushy then pay for your own school fee"
And now im confused
I saved MY OWN MONEY and asked her to use her credit card because i dont have a credit card, but ill give her the money to buy it,
Mom knows its my favourite anime character and
I'm getting good grades, doing chores around the house.....
Please just tell me what i did wrong here or if im even in the wrong

    Sweet March 30, 2019 6:10 pm

    U r not at wrong or any thing but I think ur mom thinks this is just wasting of money that's all

    Shirane March 30, 2019 6:34 pm

    You did nothing wrong but she's an adult and yours and her point of view differ very much about what's necessary to pay money for and what is not. That's a very normal thing between parents and children. She's just telling you to value money more because she is paying for food, clothes, heating, water, school fees, probably rent, etc. and in comparison for her it probably doesn't seem right to spend money on something 'useless' like a plushy.
    You on the other hand value your hobbies and interests and it's just normal to save up money for them. She's playing a typical and- honestly- unfair card there but maybe she just can't spend money on what SHE really likes because of all the living expenses? Just a guess though.

    FUDANSHI-KUN March 30, 2019 9:30 pm

    Ohhh, i see... I guess i should just drop it then....but what am i suppose to do now? I dont know what to do with the money i saved since all i really wanted was the plush, should i just give her? I dont want to keep the money, I know if i have the money i would end up giving away money to random people....basically waste it

    Shirane March 30, 2019 10:13 pm
    Ohhh, i see... I guess i should just drop it then....but what am i suppose to do now? I dont know what to do with the money i saved since all i really wanted was the plush, should i just give her? I dont want t... FUDANSHI-KUN

    You could keep it. Maybe later there's something else you might want.
    Or you could be really nice and ask your mom out for an ice cream or something?
    Or maybe there's someone else who could get you the plushy?
    Or you could ask her if she really meant what she said and tell her about your confusion. There are so many possibilities, but you should decide about what feels right for you.

    FUDANSHI-KUN March 31, 2019 1:52 am

    Ok, ill try,
    Thank you very much!