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Get over it

jazmyn2001 March 31, 2019 11:31 pm

I really don't agree with those who say it's a totally different story and they don't like any of the changes because the truth is humans aren't one dimensional there's no telling what his true personality is and for them to grow in their relationship they have to first no all the sides of each other the good and bad. This is just character growth and the author creating a good way if I may add to pull the characters together.
p.s. I think the new seme is super hot

    jazmyn2001 March 31, 2019 11:33 pm

    If you don't like it because the stories not "cute" anymore then you have chosen the wrong story because it wasn't meant to be "cute" in the first place. If you haven't noticed the uke was MOLESTED and has serious trauma