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Yvia April 4, 2019 7:14 pm

I can finally say it...

I never really liked Yukio in the first place. I don't hate him but I definitely don't like him.

    Vampire Queen April 5, 2019 6:50 am

    I feel you Yvia. I said this at the start and got so many dislikes and hate but yeah now finally people are beginning to see the true darkness inside him that the mangaka has been Preluding us to the whole time.

    Yvia April 5, 2019 6:46 pm
    I feel you Yvia. I said this at the start and got so many dislikes and hate but yeah now finally people are beginning to see the true darkness inside him that the mangaka has been Preluding us to the whole time... Vampire Queen

    So true. I was always quite careful to say that I don't like him, cause I know people nowadays are a pain in the ass if you say you don't like their favourite character.

    I always sensed that he was weird. Weird in a sense that he is so jealous of his brother's powers and wants to be better than Rin. And he always saw himself as a better person than Rin. I can't defend Yukios actions, I never could and now it's even more obvious that he isn't a nice character and just lusts for power. He was always an character I couldn't sympathise with. Something felt off with him.

    Vampire Queen April 6, 2019 6:12 am
    So true. I was always quite careful to say that I don't like him, cause I know people nowadays are a pain in the ass if you say you don't like their favourite character. I always sensed that he was weird. Weird... Yvia

    Yes, that's exactly it. He has an inferiority complex when it comes to Rin, his jealousy and anger were at odds with his previous teachings (what father Fujimoto taught him about protecting Rin, and his belief in being a good brother). This whole transition to dark Yukio was building for a long time ago.

    LazyBunny May 10, 2019 7:23 am

    Oh I agree, tho he still is Rin brother and I still want them to have a healthy relationship. I hate Yukio the same way I hated Loki at the beginning of The Avengers (*´꒳`*) lol