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Zolita April 6, 2019 2:18 pm

god i'm at chapter 45 and I'm so tired. I am getting to dislike this because of the focus. I really wanted this to be about Seunghee but every damn chapter is just this annoying brat Kyubin. Seungtae is kinda boring too, just hate this ''oh i love him but i'm scared, i don't know what to do'', just a pain in the ass for me

    Sunny Daniels April 6, 2019 2:47 pm

    The focus will eventually shift to Seunghee hang in there

    shisu April 6, 2019 3:13 pm

    Drop it then, whats stopping you lol

    Justpassingby April 6, 2019 3:18 pm

    Dayum what a shit taste

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 3:46 pm

    sweetheart, did your parents teach you how to put down a book? Idk why yall fangirls immediately latch on the first uke you see and then refuse to budge and so can’t appreciate any deviation in negative structure

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 4:03 pm
    sweetheart, did your parents teach you how to put down a book? Idk why yall fangirls immediately latch on the first uke you see and then refuse to budge and so can’t appreciate any deviation in negative struc... kyutaek

    marrative structure*

    Kao-chan April 6, 2019 4:16 pm

    I kinda understand it tbh, it's not the "refusing to budge", I'm 40+ in as well but after his crossdressing episode, our MC just got thrown off to the side and pretty much became a plot device for the other two to get together and it's been dragging on and on and it's slowly making me lose interest since I originally didn't have as much interest with the other two, I get that it's suppose to be slow burn but at least give some development to the original focus.

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 4:21 pm
    I kinda understand it tbh, it's not the "refusing to budge", I'm 40+ in as well but after his crossdressing episode, our MC just got thrown off to the side and pretty much became a plot device for the other two... Kao-chan

    It is a refusal to budge, because you guys came in with a preconception that the first guy was the main character, but when it turned out he wasn’t then y’all lost interest even though it’s what makes the twist unique. It’s alright to lose interest because humans are cognitively wired to latch on to the first thing they see and it’s easy to be rigid, but dismissing the whole story because of your own presumptions is just implying that all stories should only follow a linear narrative structure that you’re comfortable with.

    Kao-chan April 6, 2019 4:43 pm

    I've actually read a lot of other stories with this type of plot dear. Aren't you also assuming a little bit much as well?

    With how the story is going, yes, I'm indeed slowly losing my interest for a lot of reasons but dissing it? It's not bad, don't get me wrong, it's not as great either. And when have I said all stories should follow a linear narrative structure? I actually love plot twists and clever story telling but this was a little too predictable and somewhat all over the place even with that "twist", though it is to be expected with this genre.

    Aren't you also getting abit too defensive and throwing insults just because someone stated their opinion on it? Just take theirs or mine with a grain of salt and don't stoop too low

    Zolita April 6, 2019 4:47 pm
    It is a refusal to budge, because you guys came in with a preconception that the first guy was the main character, but when it turned out he wasn’t then y’all lost interest even though it’s what makes the... kyutaek

    I couldn't care less if Seunghee was a MC or not, I got mad becacuse Kyubin is an asshole and a shitty brat, that actually never apologized for blackmailing and bullying Seunghee, i don't understand why do you really think that's the reason for my unsatisfaction.

    Zolita April 6, 2019 4:49 pm

    I'm glad that I didn't stop because now I can enjoy an INTERESTING couple, instead of a annoying and boring one like the first ones.

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 4:58 pm
    I couldn't care less if Seunghee was a MC or not, I got mad becacuse Kyubin is an asshole and a shitty brat, that actually never apologized for blackmailing and bullying Seunghee, i don't understand why do you ... Zolita

    “I really wanted this to be about Seunghee”

    your comment is right up there girl. that’s fine that you’re dissatisfied with that but your comment implied you were dissatisfied with the narrative structure. and by the way did you conveniently skipped the part where kyubin did apologise before the focus shifted??? sure the apology doesn’t make up for shit but kyubin has tried multiple times to protect seunghee from a pedophile, idk why you think he’s a complete brat when your favourite character is going out with a pedophile while kyubin tries to stop him?

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 5:03 pm
    I've actually read a lot of other stories with this type of plot dear. Aren't you also assuming a little bit much as well?With how the story is going, yes, I'm indeed slowly losing my interest for a lot of rea... Kao-chan

    Stoop too low? By what, giving my opinion? You can’t possibly be that sensitive to consider that as somehow stooping low as if I insulted your parents, Kao-chan. You should take a look again at the comment thread because you’ve clearly forgotten that we were both referring to the ORIGINAL poster’s comments. Why are you acting as if I’m attacking you when you were defending the original poster and I was sharing why I disagreed with her opinion? I think you need to step back and not take things so personally.

    kyutaek April 6, 2019 5:09 pm
    I've actually read a lot of other stories with this type of plot dear. Aren't you also assuming a little bit much as well?With how the story is going, yes, I'm indeed slowly losing my interest for a lot of rea... Kao-chan

    I don’t buy it, by the way. It feels like you got upset after misinterpreting my comment and now are acting as if you “love plot twists and clever story telling” but the story’s twist was “expected”, since it’s a way of defending yourself against what I said. If it’s expected, you should have expected that the main character isn’t the main character, so... why are you attached to the main character?

    Dude, you’re taking this too seriously. I gave my opinion, you felt attacked, you’re now acting like I’ve insulted your family and fell to a moral low ground. This is just a shounen ai manhwa, so let’s just stop this right here for everyone’s sake...

    Zolita April 6, 2019 5:18 pm
    “I really wanted this to be about Seunghee”your comment is right up there girl. that’s fine that you’re dissatisfied with that but your comment implied you were dissatisfied with the narrative structure... kyutaek

    Multiple times when? The only thing he did was beat his car and that's that was what made Seunghee go with him, I think you're a little angry becaush Kyubin is in fact a brat and you can't accept it? Seunghee was gonna avoid him if weren't for the little brat. As my topic, i agree about it now, but i just wanted Seunghee to be the focus because Kyubin is, as I already said, annoying, and an asshole, and Seungtaek is a boring and dense character.

    Zolita April 6, 2019 5:20 pm

    Well, don't really care anymore, the story is finally having some quality and I'm just gonna pretend Kyubin and Seungtaek doesn't exist and skip their repetitive dialogues.

    bjalexu April 6, 2019 5:22 pm
    Multiple times when? The only thing he did was beat his car and that's that was what made Seunghee go with him, I think you're a little angry becaush Kyubin is in fact a brat and you can't accept it? Seunghee w... Zolita

    Um sweetie there's 90+ chapters for you to read and you prematurely made your judgement when most people here have read all of the available chapters. So yes, later you'll realise what I mean by multiple times.

    Are you sure I'm the one that's angry? You're the one getting mad about a fictional character, calling him a brat when a whole backstory has been explained about why he pretends to act that way. Don't be a hypocrite. I may think Seunghee is an underdeveloped character but I don't angry rant on topics about how boring, gullible, dense and overly hostile he is, do I?

    Pro tip: If you don't like something, don't read it. Don't act like you're being forced to and then come bi*ching at others about it.

    bjalexu April 6, 2019 5:24 pm
    Well, don't really care anymore, the story is finally having some quality and I'm just gonna pretend Kyubin and Seungtaek doesn't exist and skip their repetitive dialogues. Zolita

    That's what we were all asking for in the first place, honey. You give your opinion, you get opinions. Don't get why you're upset about it.

    Kao-chan April 6, 2019 5:25 pm
    I don’t buy it, by the way. It feels like you got upset after misinterpreting my comment and now are acting as if you “love plot twists and clever story telling” but the story’s twist was “expected”... kyutaek

    I mean, aren't you the one that can't let go the others have different opinions than you? Hahaha two whole comments, I felt like you keep saying don't take it seriously but... aren't you the one doing that?

    Don't worry, Sunny Daniels at least has civil way of answering the criticism and I'll will most likely carry on because of it and ignore the defensive act you're trying to do to justify yourself just because of the difference in opinions ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bjalexu April 6, 2019 5:32 pm
    I mean, aren't you the one that can't let go the others have different opinions than you? Hahaha two whole comments, I felt like you keep saying don't take it seriously but... aren't you the one doing that?Don'... Kao-chan

    Classic. When you have no argument, all you did is attack the length of the comment. I explained everything clearly for you so you wouldn't be left with any misdirected anger and then told you to let it be, but if you somehow think this is an argument and you want to win it, by all means, go ahead Kao-chan.

    Zolita April 6, 2019 5:46 pm
    That's what we were all asking for in the first place, honey. You give your opinion, you get opinions. Don't get why you're upset about it. bjalexu

    I wasn't upset at the opinions though