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can somebody please explain to me what this manga is about? I mean.. i get that Moto has a...

ass December 8, 2013 6:54 pm

can somebody please explain to me what this manga is about?
I mean.. i get that Moto has a twin brother who died in a car accident and itan loves him and sazz too. But why did he run away from home. and who is that guy in the extra chapter? he cant be motos brother because motos brother is his twin which means he is the same age as moto? right? is he maybe the lawyer??? and whats the role of that lawyer??? aggghhh i really dont get it!!!!! and why is itan so stupid? and after moto said that he was the one who killed his brother, what happended next? what did itan say? im seriously starting to hate this goddamn manhwa..

    iloveyaoihhe December 8, 2013 6:56 pm

    Ikr i dont get it either. and the author have never shown the face of motos twin brother. and itan is soooo stupid.
    what the hell is moto running away from?

    Anonymous June 3, 2014 5:58 am

    That half brother in the extra is the lawyer, itans boss. The lawyer is motos first love, his half brother, and was jins lover. He seems to hate his father and takes it out on moto. But since moto didn't know this he fell in love with him. I'm guessing that he found out later and that's why he doesn't want to love again. He's probably also the reason moto ran away from home and can't come back. Itan didn't really respond to what moto said. Either he knows what really happened or he just cares about moto. And itan isn't really stupid but pretends to be for the sake of convenience? But thats pretty stupid too.