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Does anyone know the title of this yaoi.? Its about the twin brother protecting his other...

KrisXxTao December 8, 2013 8:42 pm

Does anyone know the title of this yaoi.? Its about the twin brother protecting his other twin brother because his cute and pervert is always attacking him. They are twins but they are not look alike at all. The other twin learn karate (if im not mistaken) to protect his twin other from the molester. Then when they are at school there's this sempai that what's to get close with the other twin(cute one) because of the pass. He thought that the cute twin is the one who approach him before when he was crying in the street but actually its the other twin. Then the twist of the story is the cute twin is actually evil and likes his other twin even though his actually strong he pretends that his really weak and innocent just because he wants his twin brother to protect him and so on.. I know its long but anyone knows this manga?? hahaha
