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Aoi is a terrible human being. Its mean to say this but the best part is his death. He is ...

-_- April 12, 2019 4:38 am

Aoi is a terrible human being. Its mean to say this but the best part is his death. He is one of those individuals that would blackmail someone to get what they want and the world is better off without another shitty person. If Aoi could have a child, they would probably purposely get pregnant so they could force that person to be with them. Aoi is what you would call the crazy ex. The MC's love interest is a bit of an ass too. In my opinion, he doesn't seem very interested in the mc at all. He seems very dispassionate about their relationship. The mc in this story is the only one working on their relationship. The mc deserves someone better than him.

    KNS May 10, 2019 12:45 pm

    Totally agree, Aoi was a bitch