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Chu doesn’t deserve this...

OtakuHime April 12, 2019 8:27 pm

He is confused and wants only to be with Ziming. He has found his place to belong but wants to belong to someone’s heart. It’s assholes like that tattoo slut and sex traffickers that makes me so pissed off! Ziming’s sister is no better. You can’t judge people on only their past. Especially when it’s obvious he is trying hard and changing because Ziming believes in him. And Ziming hasn’t been in a serious relationship before so his feelings are new for him too. It’s obvious that they love each other; they just need a chance to show it to each other. I hope he doesn’t get tainted by all these asshats that are trying to exploit him before Ziming can get to him to save him. Let there be a good resolution and those jerks arrested. Don’t be jealous of others; make a change in your own life and find your own happiness.
