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I am looking for this romance webtoon I read a while ago, I can't find it in my already re...

Haruka April 15, 2019 10:25 am

I am looking for this romance webtoon I read a while ago, I can't find it in my already read list cuz there is too much but anyways it is about this couple they used to date in highschool then the girl broke it off and now after many years they meet again as adults, she is working as a PR or sth in a company and he is the president of another company ig and he wants to work with her. There was a part where a girl who used to like the president took a picture of the main girl with her brother and send it to the president so that he thinks she is cheating on him but like it was her brother. And that girl who took the Pic had a surgery on her leg so she can't walk properly.
I hope it rings a bell to someone, there was also a part later where the brother of the main lead becomes the bodyguard of the Girl who had the leg surgery.
Please help ~
