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Shindere April 16, 2019 8:25 pm

Reading Trace 1.5: Communicator is like reading about the past. I think that at one time in everyone's life, whether if they were kids or just starting out, we had hope for humanity. Despite knowing that people are cruel and despite being aware of all the fucked up stuff that's happening around the world, we believed in the goodness in humanity.

Maybe even now, there are still those of you out there who still believes in it. And through that belief, it made you believe that the reason why people are in conflict with each other is simply because they don't understand each other. And that if they can communicate and understand each other, peace can be obtain.

Then, reality hits you hard and you begin to realize the truth. It's not because people can't understand each other. It's because people refuse to understand each other. The reason why humanity isn't at peace isn't because peace can't be obtain. It's because humanity doesn't want to obtain peace.

It is hard to save a world that doesn't want to be saved. Communication can only be achieve when both side is willing to listen to one another. That is why communication is impossible. Isn't that right? Han Si Hyun.

    Kurumi623811 January 20, 2024 3:43 am

    Your commentmade me want to read the manga. You must be a good person! Whoever you are. I wish you nothing but good things to happen to you and your loved ones. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶