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The little sister has such a replusive attitude. She just barged into the guys life not ev...

Baloney April 17, 2019 2:45 pm

The little sister has such a replusive attitude. She just barged into the guys life not even 1 year after her older sister died. And then asking to be the sister’s replacement, not even asking about the guys feeling and have a kid to back her up because he would cry “no fighting!”. I mean seriously, do you not feel any guilt? She even said that her sister was a nuisance. And had the guts to said it been already a year and half since she died and forgot about her, and that is not a long time. And who is she to determine how long should he mourn for his wife, which they have been dating for years. She is so selfish with “ what about my feeling?” And not about the guy’s feeling. She only been together for a couple of months. Never had any guilt of falling in love with the sister’s lover. When I saw the guy accepted her feelings, it was a killer for me.
