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this is literally free and updates twice every week on webcomics app(upt to 50 or so) but ...

sj7773 April 17, 2019 7:19 pm

this is literally free and updates twice every week on webcomics app(upt to 50 or so) but oh well, its kinda weird to see already free stuff here tbh -. -

    sj7773 May 6, 2019 4:23 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! KuroNekoMiina

    it does start needing coins, but the app legit throws coins at you XD
    but its like this: one chapter needs 20 coins
    so if u go twice on the app, in the morning/evening you can easily get 60 coins each, daily login is 120-160 coins
    so imo its nothing hard, it literally throws coins at you lol, if u wait a day or two doing those small things you can unlock all easily, like i joined only last month and i have 12k coins to spend on nothing

    Psychodaria August 30, 2019 2:37 am
    it does start needing coins, but the app legit throws coins at you XDbut its like this: one chapter needs 20 coinsso if u go twice on the app, in the morning/evening you can easily get 60 coins each, daily logi... sj7773

    Right, I have like 70k coins on there and I read a lot of stuff haha. I always figure if I really ever run out I'll just how around the other comic apps or come here until I build up a bunch more. I do kind of understand putting the first few chapters on a site like this and then no more but direct people to the app so the comics get some credit through "official" means. I've legit read a couple chapters of something here 4hat I didn't know was on Webcomics/Mangatoon/tapas etc and then gone right over there to read the rest cause I had to know what happens lol

    Dr-Erotica November 27, 2019 10:51 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! KuroNekoMiina

    if you don't have enough coins you can just watch an ad and it unlocks the whole chapter