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boy/girl make a better couple then that sensei stay away homo shit.

................. December 12, 2013 12:32 am

boy/girl make a better couple then that sensei stay away homo shit.

    Karyth December 12, 2013 2:00 am

    That was really rude, people like you who say, "homo" really are a disgrace to the human race. So if you're going to critique something, do it in a nice and appropriate manner, young'n.

    Dude December 12, 2013 7:11 pm

    You do realize this was originally a YAOI site and is still predominantly a YAOI site and alot of people here love their yaoi and don't take to kindly to monkeys like you throwing their shit around like its the thing to do, yes? Kindly keep your ignorance to yourself, as it is contagious.

    gene March 11, 2014 12:49 am

    HOMO SHIT????? the hell is wrong with you??? I know homosexual relationships are considered immoral all over the world, but degrading them like that is FUCKED UP!! I hope an angry mob of LGBT community members and supporters hun you down with dildos and pitchforks asshole.

    Kluna March 11, 2014 1:17 am

    The fuck is wrong with you? Just know that you made an enemy of yourself to every Yaoi fan on this site, you fucking shit.

    dahell go kill yoself March 11, 2014 1:51 am

    @.......(the mothafucka)
    the homophobic bitch wears itchy thongs and has a rash, that's why she/he's so butthurt. have a kleenex.

    lily123 March 11, 2014 2:55 am

    buuuuuuu asshole

    Anonymous August 7, 2014 10:29 am

    I Love how you just made yourself out to be a complete asshole I mean, We dont even have to try to make people see your true colors you do it for us.......... Stupid baka.