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This is so stupid!

Toi: Goddess Megane-chan!!! April 19, 2019 5:14 pm

We pretty much established that all these characters are assholes, and that Joseph and Susan are friends with benefits, SO WHY THE FUCK SHOULD IT MATTER WHO THE OTHER SLEEPS WITH? YOU'RE FUCK BUDDIES! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU LIKE EACH AND MAKING THE OTHER JEALOUS! IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID!! This story already failed to establish a proper narrative by not explaining who these characters are, how the became sex friends, and WHY WE SHOULD CARE?? We get that Susan gets looked down upon by her peers,(because apparently even though this is college we still have act like we're in FUCKING high school)but it doesn't make her character an better by acting like a massive BITCH!! This story has good art and smut, but nothing else. Even smut could have good plot if you try hard enough, but these are just my opinions so take them with a grain of salt.

    MarquisDeSadie July 20, 2019 11:26 am

    I think the point is that they are friends with benefits but they secretly like eachother a lot more than just friends. I think Joseph even loves her but I'm not entirely sure on what Susan is feeling.