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Worried and relieved

Hitomi Yagami April 20, 2019 2:37 am

I was so sad when i read this last chapter... we are always pointed at the fact that Towada is tired all the time and that he is at a loss of apettite and weight. I was ready to think it was just the way he is... but now, why would a doctor ask you out of a room to clarify sth about the diagnosis when you were already treated? The only I can think is that the analysis' results had some shitty news... and then he cried after hearing once again an 'I love you' and the 'we've got time' from Tani. I swear to God that if Towada dies.... I won't be able to tolerate it ╥﹏╥
I hope I'm wrong.... I hope, because both of them deserve happiness and I can't put up with the idea that it lasts so little for them.
