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Help me look for shoujo manga

PNDA_QQ April 24, 2019 1:36 pm

1) its a shoujo manga wherin the mc girl saves her crush's/ mc boy's ex from being run over by a car. From what i can remember is that the ex has wavy hair. And im not sure if there was also a 2nd scene where the mc girl saves both mc boy and his ex from being run over by a truck/car.

2) The mc girl and the ex of mc boy is side by side, and a ball is nearing them but mc boy saved the ex rather than mc girl

3) i can only remember the ending scene where mc girl runs away from mc boy ( its a funny scene). The boy asks why she is running away and mc girl replies because she's being chased by him. And the people around them started laughing.

Help me onegai?
