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So good

shi-en-ta April 24, 2019 9:46 pm

It's so short and typical gay relationship story but the way the author developed the story is quite amazing despite there are very limited pages. I love the end panel. It is a subtle way to show that the table has turned. The glasses dude as the dumpee wouldn't never throw away his family and on the other side the goatee guy (the dumper) want to throw away his family in a single heart beat. We could see how much regret has taken toll for the goatee, regret why he hadn't stay until morning. On the other hand back in the past the glasses guy already prepared to throw away everything but got his heart broken instead. I kind of dislike the goatee bcs how easily he wants to throw away his wife and daughter.

    BeC April 24, 2019 10:22 pm
